Codorus Creek Watershed Association

Water Quality

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How are we doing?

Water Pollution

CCWA has been successful in fighting water pollution, but here are some intersting facts about where further effort is still needed:
  • Codorus Creek has over 447 miles of streams, but only 46% of those assessed meet water quality standards. Nonpoint source pollution has negatively impacted many of them
  • Stream bank and channel erosion and sedimentation is responsible for more than half of the degraded streams. Every stream and tributary in the watershed has been affected by stormwater runoff.
  • Although information is available for less than half of the Codorus Creek's streams and tributaries, many of those are considered eutrophic (high in nutrients and low in dissolved oxygen).
  • The Susquehanna River, which feeds into the Chesapeake Bay, accounts for about 20 percent of the total phosphorus and 39 percent of the total nitrogen loadings of the Bay. Nonpoint sources of pollution generate the majority of these nutrients.

$$$ The Price We Pay for Lost Ecological and Environmental Goods and Services $$$

  • Fish consumption advisories
  • Fish kills
  • High fecal coliform making swimming risky
  • Construction of municipal sewage treatment plants in the watershed cost over $100 million from 1989-1993, and $300 million more is needed. A 1992 study indicated that an additional $720 million is needed for all aspects of nonpoint source pollution control.
  • At present, most of the major industrial and municipal treatment plants in the watershed comply with their discharge permit requirements.
  • Currently, nonpoint source pollution is causing the majority of water pollution in the Codorus.
  • Urban stormwater runoff is the leading source of nonpoint source pollution.
  • Agricultural runoff is a leading source of water quality impairment in the watershed. From 1985-2003, over $4 million was spent to control agricultural pollutants.

Copyright 2015  --  Codorus Creek Watershed Association (CCWA)