Codorus Creek Watershed Association

Codorus Creek Watershed Implementation Plan
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The Codorus Creek Watershed Association (CCWA) was formed in 1998 as a non-profit organization to promote the New Codorus Legacy: "To restore, enhance, sustain, and protect the Codorus Creek Watershed and its environs for future generations and as a living resource for biodiversity." Since its inception the CCWA has been very active in the stream cleanups, education workshops, monitoring, and general promotion of the Codorus as a valuable York County resource.

With the completion of the assessment of the West Branch of the Codorus in 2003, the entire watershed has been assessed. The assessment of the South and East Branches of the Codorus (40% of the entire watershed) were completed between 1999 and 2001. These assessments were sponsored by the York Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America to identify impaired reaches of stream and prioritize stream restoration efforts. Realizing that the key to long term restoration is to develop a restoration plan, the CCWA was successful in securing funding to complete the assessment of the remaining streams and in the Codorus Creek watershed. The assessment methodology used was consistent with the South and East Branch assessments. The assessment of the West Branch and main stem of the Codorus Creek was completed with funding provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Growing Greener Program, Glatfelter, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The CCWA contracted with Aquatic Resource Restoration Company (ARRC) of Seven Valleys, Pennsylvania, to perform the actual watershed assessment and to develop a restoration plan. Under this grant, the physical condition of all streams and contributing tributaries were assessed. The primary goal of these assessments was to identify all stream reaches, map impaired stream reaches, prioritize restoration efforts, and develop watershed restoration plans.

The Codorus Creek Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Watershed implementation Plan, York County, Pennsylvania (hereinafter the “WIP” and “Plan” ), will serve as a management tool for local governing agencies and entities, nonprofit organizations, watershed groups, and other stakeholders for future stream restoration efforts in the watershed. Numerous governments, nonprofit and private interests have established partnerships with the common goal of improving aquatic habitat, designated uses, and water quality of the Codorus Creek and its many streams and tributaries.

Cover and Table of Contents

Chap. 1 - Pollution Sources

Chap. 2 - Pollutant Load Reductions Needed

Chap. 3 - Watershed Management Goals

Chap. 4 - Implementation Schedule

Chap. 5 - Implementation Milestones

Chap. 6 - Measuring Progress

Chap. 7 - Monitoring & Evaluation

Chap. 8 - Education & Outreach Program

Chap. 9 - Financial Assistance Opportunities



Appendix A - Recommended Best Management Practices

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Copyright 2015  --  Codorus Creek Watershed Association (CCWA)